now live!

Oct 29, 2020

-- landing page!

Launched and ready to go!

You are now able to manage your tokens on!

Tokens that have been created on the dApp, can now be managed by their owners on!

Visitors can see this page. In this instance — this is what the visitors page looks like, as an owner of the token! (See the “You own this contract” label?)

Visitors View

Your community members can also check out your token’s stats and states in a fresh looking UI!

If you are the owner of the token, you’re able to click on the “You own this contract” label, and it will bring you to the token’s management page!

Token Management

This screen, available to owners, allows them to manage their created tokens.

If you’ve created your token — you should be familiar with the options available to you!

Don’t forget to connect your metamask to the dApp, or the “You are the owner of this contract” button will not be available to you.

