
4 min readOct 18, 2020


STVKEnetwork is a DeFi project that aims to allow even the most lay of persons to create ERC-20 tokens.

Even without knowing how to code, you’re not limited to simple ERC-20 tokens.

Basic ERC-20

You may create basic ERC-20 tokens by simply filling out the top 5 input fields seen at which are Owner, Name, Symbol, Total Supply and Decimals. A short description on each field below.

Owner — This is the address that will own the contract, and the only address that will be able to call certain functions.

Name— This is the name of your token. Take Binance Coin for example. it has a symbol of BNB, but it’s token name is Binance Coin.

Symbol — This is what most people will see as the name of your token. If we take again the Binance Coin example, it has a symbol of BNB, which is what exchanges and most people will use to refer to your token.

Total Supply — This is the starting and maximum supply of your token. PLEASE NOTE: Decimals are accounted for. (1 = 1 token, y decimals)

Decimals— This is used to set how many decimal points your token will have. PLEASE NOTE: Decimals are accounted for in Total Supply and Minting Cap. (1 = 1 token, y decimals)

Mintable ERC-20

You may create mintable ERC-20 tokens by filling out the basic ERC-20 token fields at, selecting Yes on the mintable option, and filling out the required input fields which are Minting Address, and Minting Cap. A short description on each field below.

Minting Address— This is the address that will receive any newly minted tokens. EDIT: This has been combined with Owner Address on the dApp. You only need to fill out the Owner Address, and your tokens will be sent to the Owner Address, if you’d like to have a separate Minting Address, you may use our soon to launch dApp which will allow you manage your created tokens using a simple UI, if you do not like using etherscan.

Minting Cap — This is the limit of tokens that may be in your total supply at any one point. PLEASE NOTE: Decimals are accounted for. (1 = 1 token, y decimals)

Burnable ERC-20

You may create burnable ERC-20 tokens by filling out the basic ERC-20 token fields at, selecting Yes on the burnable option, and filling out the required input field which is Burn on TX %. A short description on each field below.

Burn on TX % — This is the percentage that is to be burned on any transfer.

Governance ERC-20

You may create basic governance ERC-20 tokens by filling out the basic ERC-20 token fields at, selecting Yes on the governance option, and filling out the required input field which Fee Destination, and Fee on TX %. A short description on each field below.

Fee Destination— This is the address that will receive any tokens that are taken from fees.

Fee on TX % — This is the percentage that is to be taken as a fee on any transfer.

Current State

Some setbacks in terms of staff have happened but we are moving along! This will be mostly a one man show, with rewards going out for any influencers and marketers (time-locked rewards). Please see Hvshvshin in the discord. The full STV contract is finished, the first iteration of the UI is live at on Rinkeby Testnet, with the STV holding requirement disabled, meaning you only need to have Rinkeby ETH to mint tokens using our Smart Contract.


500k STV is available for marketers and influencers
1.16m STV is available for staking rewards
500k STV is reserved for the team
1.76m STV was available for the private seed round
320k STV is available for the public presale
750k STV will be added to liquidity

Token Use

You must hold 100 STV to use our token factory.

100% of the fee used to generate your token is used to buy back and burn STV at market rate on Uniswap.

You may permanently stake your UNI-v2 Liquidity Pool tokens in our dApp to claim STV forever.

Both the amount you need to hold, and the cost in ETH to create a token on our platform is governable by our DAO. You get to choose these amounts via voting.

Improvements on Past Solutions

We vastly improve upon past, and even recently built token generators. By having a governable eco-system and providing lay people with the ability to create their own simple, mintable, burnable or governance ERC-20 tokens, we blow the (what is now out-dated) competition out of the water.

Our aim is to make the experience pleasant, and easy.

Not only is the above true, but as a STV holder, through our DAO, you get to manage the token factory.

Roadmap & Longterm

First item on the roadmap is to launch the vault dApp. An un-withdrawable vault, where you will receive STV tokens for life. This should be done by the end of November.

Second item on the roadmap is to launch an information section/database on all created tokens, so you can see which tokens created on STVKEnetwork have done the best since their creation. This should be done by the end of January.

Third and last item on the roadmap is to migrate everything to Polkadot. This should be done by the end of 2021.

